January 31, 2013

Your office on Main Street

Your office on Main Street

By Jerry W. Kram

Lots of companies would like to have an office on the Main Street of New Town. Thanks to a new business, they just might be able to.
Mail and More, located next door to the Lakeside State Bank, is the brainchild of Cindy Borden and Penny Richardson. They came from Colorado to North Dakota looking for a business opportunity after a budget slump eliminated their positions there.
“In our former lives we were high school principals in the prison system,” Borden said. “About two years ago the funding for prison education we were doing was eliminated by Congress. So we started talking about a different career options.”
Richardson’s brother was thinking about moving to North Dakota at the time, so the pair rented a motorhome and drove to the oil patch to do research. They asked hundreds of people what kind of business was needed in the the area.
“Everywhere they went, people said ‘mailboxes. Our post offices are overwhelmed,’” Borden said. “We eliminated a lot of the idea we came up here with and started forming the idea of a private mailbox store. That expanded into a FedEx shipping and office services store.”
The store has been open about a month but construction on the store is just getting finished.


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