January 28, 2011

Young north central North Dakota child dies from flu

Children’s flu vaccine still available
Young north central North Dakota child dies from flu

Did your child receive their flu shot this year? Influenza vaccines change and are updated every year, so annual vaccinations are recommended. Flu seasons are unpredictable and run from Sept. 1 to Aug.31, which is why it is never too late to receive the vaccine.
A child younger than 10 years old died last week from influenza in north central North Dakota, marking the first influenza death in the state and the second child death nationwide this season. The child did have underlying medical conditions. However, type A influenza was considered a factor in the child’s death.
Anyone can get influenza, which can cause fever, sore throat, chills, fatigue, cough, headache, and muscle aches. Influenza can also lead to pneumonia and can be very dangerous to those with heart or breathing problems.
Children younger than 6 months of age are too young to be vaccinated, which is why parents and caregivers need to be vaccinated to reduce the chance of passing the flu to an unprotected child.

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