May 19, 2016

WWII Fighter is star of New Town Fly-in


By Edna Sailor

A Grummen F4F Wildcat fighter plane almost did not make the trip to New Town. A tail wheel problem temporarily grounded the aircraft in Minot. When word came to the small crowd gathered at the New Town airport for the second annual Fly-In breakfast and activity, there was noticeable disappointment.

Inside the hanger, out of the wind, the crowd waited for other planes to arrive. Pancake chef, David McKitrick, cheerfully kept the sausage and pancakes coming. Coffee was a welcome beverage to warm up from the wind and cold outside. Mylo Wolding, New Town Airport Board President and other airport board members welcomed visitors to the event.

Among the younger set attending the Fly-In, Dylan Barone and Tobin Jaeger delighted at being able to sit in the cockpit of John Sattermos’s 170 Cessna parked in the hanger. It was clear from the looks on their faces they imagined themselves soaring through the air. It was clear airplanes made a strong impression on them.

"This is so fun," Barone said. Jaeger nodded in agreement. Both wore ear to ear smiles.

Visitors finished their pancakes and coffee, talked aviation, met new friends and eagerly watched the other dozen or so airplanes land at the New Town airport.

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