June 18, 2020

Wind power project is approved

The North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC) today approved a siting permit for the Northern Divide Wind Project and associated transmission line in Burke County. 
The wind farm will have a capacity of approximately 200 megawatts and will consist of up to 74 wind turbine generators and associated facilities. The project will also include a 41-mile long, 345-kilovolt transmission line that starts at the wind farm in Burke County and extends to Basin Electric’s Tande Substation in Mountrail County. 
“NextEra worked closely with the North Dakota Game and Fish and U.S. Fish and Wildlife to address the concerns identified by these expert agencies in the first permitting process. As a result, Northern Divide Wind is significantly different in its impacts to wetlands and wildlife than the Burke Wind project was,” said Commissioner Julie Fedorchak who holds the siting portfolio.

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