August 20, 2015

White Horse woman reaches out to kids

By Jerry W. Kram

Wendi Wells wants children on the Fort Berthold Reservation to have the stuff they need to succeed in school and in life.

Her organization, White Horse Woman Outreach has been doing a series of backpack giveaways for school age children in communities around the Fort Berthold Reservation. The first of the giveaways was held at the New Town softball diamonds during the Little Shell Celebration and Powwow.

"We are doing an outreach providing book bags with hygiene products to men and women, but more geared toward students, whether they are in college, high school, middle school or elementary," Wells said. "It is hard to tell who is an enrolled member so we keep it open to anyone who need the services."

White Horse Woman Outreach made the event more of a celebration than just a giveaway. The grounds were dotted with bouncy castles, a photo booth, a live band and burgers and hot dogs were grilled for the hungry crowd. Other community resource groups also participated to provide health information and other assistance to reservation families.

"We are here just to support the community," Wells said. "We had a slow start, because we were late getting started and there is a lot going on with the powwow. But we are hoping for a good turnout. Everything is free and geared to the community."

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