February 13, 2009

Weight loss idea generates interest for physical fitness

Weight loss idea generates interest for physical fitness

There is no doubt the residents of Mountrail County want to lose some weight and become physically fit in the next three months.
A new-year weight loss idea at the New Town News has generated widespread interest throughout the county and 60 people have signed up to drop those extra holiday pounds and work toward winning monthly prizes and a grand prize that will be awarded after the contest concludes on May 11.
New Town News/Mountrail County Record Sales Manager Jodie Iverson brought up the idea during a planning meeting. She suggested it was a way to get people interested in losing weight and keep their New Year’s resolutions instead of just thinking about them.
The contest, fashioned after the hit NBC series “Biggest Loser,” has already begun. The weigh-in deadline was Monday and 30 teams are now working toward better physical fitness and a grand prize that is yet to be named.
“See how much fun this is,” Iverson said as she was signing people up in the New Town News office. “People are talking about this and it’s something we’ve needed for a long time.”
New Town, Parshall, Stanley Minot and Mandaree residents have come forward to be part of the healthiest event of 2009, Iverson said.
The fun, thus far, has come in the form of team names that have been generated for the competition. ‘80s Chicks, Carribean Cruisers, Big buddies, Spring Fever, Double XXL, Fat Housewives of Little Knife Bay, Flab Busters and Sponge Butt and Square Belly are some of the team names in the friendly competition.

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