October 14, 2011

Walk supports cancer survivors

Walk supports cancer survivors
By Jerry W. Kram

Wednesday morning was bright and sunny and so was the attitude of breast cancer survivors and their supporters who held a walk to symbolize their determination to find a cure for the disease.
Jessica Spotted Horse with the Three Affiliated Tribes Community Health Representative Program said the purpose of the walk was to increase awareness of breast cancer in the community and show support for the people who are fighting the disease and for the families who have lost loved ones.
“Last year I did a conference that a lot of breast cancer survivors attended,” Spotted Horse said. “This year I said we should do a walk because we haven’t had very many people walking for breast cancer. So I wanted to do a walk to show people’s support.”
Spotted Horse helps cancer patients get to appointments for treatment. She said she was surprised to discover how common breast cancer was on the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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