November 7, 2013

Vision West meetings will finalize plans

Vision West ND Consortium members are very close to finalizing the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development. The Plan will include pieces of all of the Local Plans that have been developed for the 19 oil-impacted counties of western North Dakota to address their immediate, short-term needs to meet growth management challenges and establish a diversified economy in the future. Before Consortium members put the final touches on the Regional Plan, they’ll meet with representatives from several federal agencies in late November to discuss how they can cooperate to make the Regional Plan a success.

The meetings with federal officials will be held in Dickinson and New Town.

Representatives from HUD, the EPA, USDA, and the Federal Highway Administration will explain how their agencies can help meet the top five goals of the Vision West Project which include finding ways to address issues with housing, transportation, water infrastructure, childcare, and emergency services. The events will wrap up each day with discussion about implementation opportunities and strategies to move forward.

The Weather Network