April 5, 2018

Vietnam Veterans share on 45th anniversary

By Jerry W. Kram
Veterans of the Vietnam War shared with each other and their children and grandchildren at the Vietnam Memorial Day celebration at the Northern Lights Community Center in New Town, hosted by Fort Berthold Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9061.
The celebration is held every March 29 to mark the date in 1973 when the last American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. It was commemorated by President Richard Nixon as Vietnam Veterans Day in 1974. North Dakota officially adopted the day in 2009 and Fort Berthold VFW Post 9061 has marked the day with a celebration for the last eight years.
For the veterans, it was a chance to share their experiences with people who understand. According to North Dakota VFW Senior Vice Commander Darcy Medicine Stone, many veterans never spoke about their experiences in the war, not even to their own families.

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