March 12, 2020

Veterans have a new place to heal in New Town

Veterans have a new place to heal in New Town

By Jerry W. Kram
It has been a long and winding road, but veterans have a new place where they can rest body and soul and get help receiving all the benefits they have earned as the MHA Nation officially opened its new veterans center located near the Elbowoods Clinic in New Town.
The new facility will be open to all veterans, said Tribal VA Administrator Lavetta “Sissy” Fox. The grand opening presentation was held in the new facilities gymnasium before the ribbon cutting outside.
“It is a beautiful, beautiful building,” Fox said. “It will have everything for the whole veteran – mind, body and spirit. It will be for all veterans. I was in the service for 22 ½ years. I had to trust the people to the left and the right of me. It never mattered what color or race. You have to trust your battle buddies, so this is for all veterans. Leave no veteran behind.”
The tribal Veterans Affairs office was located on Main Street in the same building as American Legion Post 290. Fox said the the agency has outgrown that office by a long stretch, and a new home was badly needed. The new offices will offer veterans much better privacy and room for additional staff to serve a new generation of veterans.

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