November 6, 2014

Veterans Day 2014, keeping our WWII Veterans in mind


By Edna Sailor

Every Veterans Day citizens honor the service of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We honor them all, but briefly, we will especially honor our WWII veterans, whose numbers are fading fast. The WW War II Veterans Memorial website says, "Service, Sacrifice, Unity, Victory."

Tagged by some as the "greatest generation," these men came home and helped build a nation. They built roads, buildings, and bridges, operated businesses, ranched and farmed, went to school on the GI Bill and became lawyers, doctors, and professors. They pitched into communities building and maintaining parks and playgrounds and swimming pools. They served in local, state and federal governments. They joined and helped organize veterans groups. Some brought their electronic skills from the military and helped build an age of computers and electronics. No matter the skill, the determination and sense of citizenship were ever-present. They pulled together the fabric of a nation. We honor them today while we still can.

Next week area veterans and community will come together to honor not only WW II Veterans, but all who have served and are now serving in the military. New Town High School will be the site of a November 12 Veteran’s Day Program. It will begin at 6 p.m. with a meal followed by a program at 6:30 p.m. Songs will be rendered by the Little Shell Singers.

Mandaree and North Segment will hold a combined observance on November 8th at Northern Lights. The event is scheduled from 11am to 1pm and a meal will be served. A powwow will follow with grand entries at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.

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