December 24, 2010

Tribal leaders meet with president Obama

Tribal leaders meet with president Obama
Hall represents Three Affiliated Tribes in White House setting

After meeting with President Barack Obama last week in the White House, Three Affiliated Tribes Chairman Tex Hall indicated he has a good feeling about the president and the tribe’s relationship with the U.S. government.
Hall was one of 12 tribal leaders from across the nation meeting with Obama to hear directly from Indian Country about policy priorities and concerns.
Also in the meeting were Attorney General Eric Holder, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, White House Domestic Policy Council Director Melody Barnes and other administration officials.
“His commitment to Indian Country is to fulfill a meeting once a year,” Hall said. “He has a crazy schedule and we got to meet with him about 20 minutes, so the White House is a busy place. But he made that commitment and I feel pretty good about it.”

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