July 16, 2020

To open or not to open

State says, “It’s up to you”
By Jerry W. Kram

This week North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum gave North Dakota schools his plan for reopening this fall in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to New Town School District Superintendent Mark Bluestone, the governor’s message was “It’s up to you.”
Bluestone told the New Town School Board that the governor and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction will leave the final decision of how and when to restart schools this fall to local school boards. However, schools will have to have safety and wellness plans both to limit the spread of COVID-19 and to guide actions if a student of staff member comes down with the virus during the school year.
Bluestone said he was already meeting with local governments and parents to get input on creating the plans.
“The problem is that I talked to 40 different parents and got 40 different answers,” Bluestone said. “The district will be meeting with (Tribal Chairman Mark) Fox this weekend and he may request we hold off opening for a month. We will also be working with the public health people at Elbowoods Clinic and in Stanley.”

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