June 11, 2010

Tie vote means special election,

Tie vote means special election,
Jerry Uran wins north’s vote
By Jill Denning Gackle

Was it one vote that would have changed the outcome of the New Town School Board election? Or was it the low voter turnout that means a special election will be called?
Delvin Driver Jr. received nine votes in the south region to tie with Incumbent Delphine Baker, who also received nine votes. Scott Ruland garnered one write in vote, a vote that – had it gone to Driver or Baker – could have broken the tie. A special election will be held for another vote on the three-year term.
Jerry Uran received 25 write-in votes to win the three-year north area seat. Other votes were for Sheldon Heart, 8; Debbie Chase, 2; Carol Enno, 1, and Ardel Harob, 1.

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