May 28, 2015

Three Affiliated Tribes DOT adds two new officers

By Edna Sailor

At a recognition luncheon Friday of last week, Three Affiliated Tribes DOT Director Richard Hall welcomed Bronson Young Wolf and Jennifer Everett to the Three Affiliated Tribes Highway Patrol Unit. Seated with the rest of the officers, being chided about being the "rookies" on the squad was taken in stride. Both Everett and Young wolf completed their coursework and training at Minot State University criminal justice programs in cooperation with the Lake Region State College Police Academy.

They join the rest of the staff in the duties of the job, which are to make traffic stops when needed, monitor traffic, provide safety for the community, as well as interact with community members. All of the officers agreed it will be important to work with the schools.

Young Wolf believes he is learning even more on the job.

"It seems like I learn something every time," he said.

Everett agreed, but added, "I learn a lot from my Field Training Office too," she said.

Everett, who is the only woman on the team, is a four tour Army veteran and deployed in Iraq for a total of 11 years. During that time she drove and rode security gunner for American convoys. She smiled about that and said, "It helped me get my foot in the door to the Highway Patrol job, I think,"

New jobs can be challenging as the two already know from their initial experiences on the job.

"It is somewhat stressful during the shift and it takes a while to unwind afterward. Also it’s unpredictable. Nothing ever stays the same. You never see the same faces because there are so many new people from other states and even other countries." Everett said.

Young wolf, does feel there is one part of the job that is the toughest.


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