September 13, 2018

TAT Veterans Complex now under construction

By Edna Sailor
Bruce Nagel sported his signature smile as he noted that veterans would finally have “a place of their own to call home.” Nagle is overseeing construction of the Three Affiliated Tribes Veterans Affairs Complex now under construction near the Elbowoods Clinic in New Town.
It was time for the TAT Veterans Affairs Complex to be built. The Three Affiliated Tribal Council approved the construction and allocated funds about three years ago. The project was designed to prioritize the needs of tribal veterans.
The good news is that the project is on schedule now and Nagel, Special Projects Manager Department of Veterans Affairs, makes daily rounds to the site just east of Elbowoods Memorial Health Center to ensure its progress.
Nagel recently oversaw the completion of the gymnasium footings with office footings underway. He also oversaw both water and sewage infrastructures as well working out many details with the city of New Town


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