June 8, 2017

Summit seeks to preserve language, culture

By Edna Sailor
If you do not recognize the word Hirraca, it is likely you do not speak that language. The Hiracca language is the focus of the Third Annual Language Summit in Mandaree on June 8 and 9. More commonly known to non-speakers of the language as Hidatsa, the summit promises a variety of activities with one goal in mind by its organizers.
Arvella White and Carol Newman will be on board with a host of others to provide instruction and activities related to learning the language. The event will be held at the Elders Site in Mandaree from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. both days.
If you wonder why the summit is so important there is an answer.
“Our language is our identity. It is who we are. To learn our own language again brings us closer together and spiritually helps us be with nature as it was before,” White said.
Throughout the event, participants will also talk about clanships and how the groups are related. People will learn the cultural ways and bring those values back to the younger generations.

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