June 7, 2018

Summer arrives for MHA Tourism

By Jerry W. Kram
Summer may not officially arrive for a few more weeks, but it is summertime for the Earth Lodge Village operated by MHA Tourism.
Darian Morsette, director of the MHA Tourism, opened the season at the new Main Lodge at the agency’s Earth Lodge Village about five miles west of New Town. A feed of fry bread, corn soup, juneberries and other traditional foods was followed by exhibitions by local powwow dancers.
The new Main Lodge was finished late last summer and this will be its first complete tourist season. Morsette said there are a lot of plans in the works for both visitors and local residents at the Earth Lodge Village this summer.
“We are planning a lot of cultural events,” Morsette said. “We are also planning a lot of family events. We want to bring families out here. People can rent the Main Lodge for their events. We want to have cookouts, races, bikes, kayaks and canoes available for people to enjoy. Or people can set up a shade and cook out, that’s the kind of things we are looking at.”

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