November 27, 2008

Street improvement projects

Street improvement projects

clear pre-construction hurdle


A mandatory protest hearing for the 2008-1 street improvement district created in September didn’t have enough dissent to grind the project to a halt.

Wayne Stubstad was the only New Town resident who formally protested the construction in a letter written to the city council. Stubstad, who owns property near the Third Street South impact area, attended the special meeting Tuesday night.

But city attorney Wade Enget explained that 50 percent of the property owners directly affected by the improvement would have to protest in order for the council to take action.

There are actually two improvements; schedule A, which includes Third Street South, and schedule B, including East Avenue from Main Street to Fifth Street North, Second Avenue from Eagle Drive to Fourth Street North and Eagle Drive from East Avenue to Fifth Avenue East.

Schedule B is estimated to cost in the neighborhood of $539,000 while schedule A is estimated at $361,000, but schedule A already has some help. Approximately $58,000 is left over from a 2004 street project that will be applied as well as funds from bulk water sales.

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