August 4, 2016

Storm leaves trail of destruction in its wake

By Edna Sailor
The sirens went off in New Town Sunday evening. Threatening clouds swirled above the community and the area. Lightening, thunder and strong winds descended quickly and brutally.
Hail was reported from pea size to quarter size in some areas. The aftermath produced costly damage in its wake.
Crops suffered an onslaught of hail and driving rain reported in amounts from 3 to 4.8 inches in a short time. Damage in the area is significant according to Jim Hennessy.
Hennessy estimates the crop destruction extends from five miles north of New Town along Highway 8, to several miles south of New Town and West of New Town across the bridge to west of the Parshall. Crops in the area were eighty per cent to one hundred percent wiped out. Nothing is standing and if anything is it is pretty much shelled out. Swathed grain washed away into fences, tree rows and ravines. Rains gouged out deep pathways in many soil structures throughout the area.

The Weather Network