July 27, 2012

Still looking for employees

Still looking for employees

By Jerry W. Kram
It looked like the New Town City Council was going to get some relief from its battle to fill city worker positions at its regular meeting July 18. But it didn’t work out that way.
The council offered jobs to three candidates to fill vacancies in several departments that have proven difficult to fill. Only one of the prospective workers, Wilbert LaDue, accepted the job offer. LaDue will be a “floater” who will be assigned duties as necessary at the water plant, on the garbage truck or with the street department. The other positions that will go unfilled are for a garbage truck driver and an operator at the water plant. According to New Town City Auditor Kayla Burnette, two positions in the  water plant are unfilled and one of those positions has been advertised for about one year.
Burnette will also be leaving the city in October when she is expecting a new baby. Assistant Auditor Jessica Bratvold will be quitting her job next month because she lost her day care provider and cannot locate child care. Burnette said the lack of child care in New Town prevents many women from working and she is looking to see if something can be done to provide additional day care services in the community. Burnette said she would like to hear from any members of the community who have ideas or would like to help provide more day care opportunities in the area.

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