March 6, 2009

Stenehjem warns of yet another telephone scam

Stenehjem warns of yet another telephone scam
Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem is warning North Dakotans about a nationwide telephone scam disguised as an offer to lower credit card interest rates. The Attorney General’s Office received numerous complaints Friday from people across the state who received a call claiming to be from a company called “Card Services” directing the individual to enter their credit card number to determine if they qualify for a better interest rate.
“This scam is yet another blatant attempt by thieves to steal consumers’ credit card numbers,” Stenehjem said. “People should never give out personal or financial information over the telephone, particularly when they did not initiate the call.”
Stenehjem reminds residents that this particular scam is just another variation of a typical scam in which identity thieves and con artists try to trick consumers into providing credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or social security numbers. “Your financial institution or credit card company already has your account number and social security number and is not going to ask you to provide this information in a telephone call or e-mail,” said Stenehjem.

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