June 14, 2012

Standish, Mathson win council seats

Standish, Mathson win council seats
By Jerry W. Kram

Jay Standish will join newly reelected councilman Terry Mathson on the New Town City Council.
Mathson was the top vote getter in Tuesday’s primary election for the New Town City Council with 121 votes. Standish beat out Carol Enno and Karen Paetz Sitting Crow with 95 votes. Enno received 81 votes and Sitting Crow received 66 votes. Standish will replace Gerald Odegard who didn’t run for reelection.
Joe Iverson was reelected to the New Town Park Board with 192 votes. There were two positions open on the Park Board. There were 38 write in votes and the person receiving the most write in votes will be asked if they wish to serve on the Board. The names of the people receiving write in votes wasn’t available at press time.
In the race for the New Town School Board, Martha Hunter was reelected with 34 votes. She defeated Chris McLaughlin who received 24 votes. Damon Brady received 9 votes. Brady had dropped out of the race but was too late to have his name removed from the ballot.
New Town voters also overwhelmingly approved requiring the city council to continue publishing minutes of city council meetings in the official newspaper the New Town News.
The main race on the Mountrail County ballot was a measure to increase the number of county commissioners from three to five. That measure won easily with 73 percent of the vote. Greg Boschee was unopposed for his seat as the Mountrail County Commissioner from district 1.

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