April 2, 2010

Stand up and be counted

Stand up and be counted
North Dakota looking for maximum census participation


North Dakota is already being recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau as being one of the most efficient states in filling out census forms.
In fact, there are only six communities in the nation thus far whose populations are completely counted and four of them are in North Dakota.
Granted, they are small towns, but they represent the feeling of all North Dakotans in filling out their questionnaires, according to Rod Backman, the chairman of the North Dakota Complete Count Committee.
Ayr and Grandin, in Cass County, Buchanan, in Stutsman County and Wolford, in Pierce County are the four little villages in North Dakota that appear to be setting a national trend right now.
As a result, North Dakota is well ahead of the national average in completing the 2010 census. As a whole, 57 percent of North Dakotans have completed their census forms while South Dakota leads the nation with 58 percent. The national average is 46 percent.
“During Census 2000, 72 percent of households in North Dakota returned their census forms by mail and I believe we can do even better in 2010,” Backman said. “That’s why I’m challenging every North Dakotan to take 10 minutes to participate in the census by answering the 10-question census form.”
Reminding everyone that the census is required by law, Backman said every 1 percent of the population that does not return their census form, will cost the federal government $90 million in follow-up costs.
“Please do your part to help get an accurate count at the lowest cost,” Backman said. “Mail your census form back today.”
According to Backman, completing your form is important because it tells the federal government how and where to appropriate funding.

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