July 22, 2011

Sheriff talks about cross-deputization

Sheriff talks about cross-deputization

During their regular June meeting, the New Town City Council heard from Bureau of Indian Affairs Officer Dawn White and discussed possible solutions to an increase in traffic violations and other crimes in New Town. The conversation sparked the council to look into creating their own city police force.
Mountrail County Sheriff Ken Halvorson sat down with the New Town News recently to discuss what creating a new city police force would really mean for New Town residents and the logistics of one being created.
During her discussion with the city council, White mentioned that she is able to co-sign citations in McLean County. According to reports from sheriff’s departments in McLean County, McKenzie County and Dunn County, there is currently no cross-deputization agreements in any of those counties. In McKenzie County there had been some BIA officers as “special deputies,” but they haven’t had any Tribal Police officers as such. In the other two counties there is little cooperation with Tribal Police.

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