August 18, 2016

Shared meals are a powwow tradition

By Jerry W. Kram
A powwow celebration is a celebration of the senses. You can feel the throbbing pulse of the drums, hear the singers magical voices and the arena if filled with every color of the rainbow plus a few more.
The powwow is also a celebration of flavor. The announcers speak of food often during the celebration, whether they are praising the vendors that ring the arbor or announcing that one of the camps is holding a feed for singers, dancers, veterans or just anyone who wants to drop by.
Sharing meals with friends, family and strangers has always been an important custom for the Three Affiliated Tribes, says Charlie Moran. Moran has been an announcer at powwows and other community celebrations for 25 years. He said the feeds held in the camps are an important part of celebrating in the culture of the Mandan, Hidatsa and

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