December 15, 2016

Schools grow as revenue drops

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town School Board took another step to cope with an influx of students that continues to grow in spite of a drop in oilfield activity.
Edwin Loe Elementary School Principal Rick Lindblad told the board that elementary enrollment in grades K through 5 exceeded 500 students for the first time this month. Superintendent Marc Bluestone asked the board to consider transferring to the building fund $1 million from the district’s oil revenue (called the U.S. Flood Money because it is a payment on oil extracted on land in the district inundated by Lake Sakakawea). The board agreed to the request.
“We are at an all time high with enrollment,” Bluestone said. “We can expand maybe one or two more classrooms if we move people out of those rooms. We are close to our maximum potential.”

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