May 11, 2012

School to consider format change

School to consider format change
By Jerry W. Kram

A lackluster graduation rate could mean major changes in class structure at New Town High School.
Superintendent Marc Bluestone described the plan to the New Town School Board at its regular meeting Tuesday. He emphasized that this plan was in the very preliminary stages and he was still working with teachers on putting together the details. He said at this stage it was still more of an idea than a plan.
“But I want you (board members) to know about this because word has already gotten out to the public,” Bluestone said. “I’m already hearing about this and you guys need to know what’s going on. People need to know that we are months from making a decision on this.”
The idea was proposed by first year English teacher Jacob Jenkins. The plan would move the school day from seven periods to six longer periods. Study halls would be eliminated. Because the classes are longer, students would get the required number of minutes of instruction in four days. That would leave Fridays free for special instruction.

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