June 11, 2010

School takes hard look at discipline

School takes hard look at discipline

By Jill Denning Gackle

New Town schools are taking a hard line in the discipline area.
The district is considering a new policy that doesn’t require a search warrant to open and go through school lockers or vehicles. The old policy calls for search warrants. The new policies allow for searches to be conducted by a school employee of the same sex with a school employee present as a witness. Law enforcement may be contacted.
The policy will go through its second and final reading Thursday (today) at 6 p.m. The board meetins in the middle school/high school faculty lounge.
John Gartner, middle school principal, said in a written report to the board that there were high numbers of students skipping in May, especially those that were failing. During the year there were 317 cases of skipping and 724 incidents of defiance or disrespect, he said. For the year there were 1,711 incidents where students were sent to the office, which was down for about 1,800 last year. Gartner said there were 31 students who had one or less office referrals and a large number with five or less.
Gartner also reported there are 36 students enrolled in summer school.

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