January 13, 2012

School construction ahead of schedule

School construction ahead of schedule
By Jerry W. Kram
Nobody complained about the extended stretch of warm and dry weather that seems to be finally fading into winter, especially Marc Bluestone, Superintendent of the New Town School District. Along with keeping an eye on a school full of students, he has been keeping a close eye on the progress of the construction of new school buildings adjacent to the current school. Bluestone said that because of the good weather, construction is about one month ahead of schedule.
The original estimate for finishing the project was June 30, Bluestone said. But at a recent meeting with contractors, he was told that the work could be finished in early June or even late May. Work on the outer walls is mostly finished and the contractor, CA Contracting, is working on installing the building’s roofs.
“It’s going pretty good,” Bluestone said. “They are about a month ahead of schedule in a lot of areas and they hope to let us start moving our stuff over there in late May or early June. Technically, it’s not supposed to be done until June 30, but they think we can start moving in by June 1.”
Once the school moves desks, equipment and other property into the new buildings, the second part of the project can start, which is the demolition of the existing school building, Bluestone said. He wants to finish moving the equipment over by July 15.

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