November 19, 2010

School board passes bullying policy

School board passes bullying policy
Open enrollment requested denied


The New Town School Board passed the second reading of a bullying policy last Tuesday night during its regular meeting.
The policy is actually a revision based upon recommendations by the North Dakota School Boards Association. After a second reading, it went into effect.
“The current policy only addresses student to student bullying,” said Superintendent Marc Bluestone. “The revised policy recognizes that bullying behaviors may come from staff. The policy includes staff as possible violators; therefore, t hey are also subject to disciplinary action including dismissal.”
In other business:
•The board turned down a request from a student in the Parshall district to transfer to New Town.
After August, Parshall doesn’t approve tuition agreements, thus New Town would be forced to educate the student while Parshall receives funding for that student.

The Weather Network