October 29, 2010

Salter: Too close to town

Salter: Too close to town
Disposal well proposal denied a second time

Kyle Waliezer made the argument that his proposal could dramatically reduce truck traffic on New Town’s Main Street.
It didn’t work.
Waliezer’s proposal at last Wednesday’s New Town City Council meeting was to place a salt water disposal well across the road from the bulk oil load-out facility in southeast New Town, just a block south of the ALCO department store.
It was the second time in as many months that the city council shot this idea down because of its proximity to New Town, because of the congestion with truck traffic in that part of town, but most importantly, because it is too near the city’s aquifer.
“The EPA recommended not allowing it so close to town,” said city council member Darrell Salter. “Does it have to be that close to town? Can it be farther south?”

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