May 30, 2013

Retail space coming soon to Main Street

Retail space coming soon to Main Street
By Jerry W. Kram

New Town sits in the land of wide open spaces, so it is ironic that the thing it needs the most is space. Specifically, it needs living space and retail space. There are several proposals for apartments and housing developments to help with the former, but the lack of space for new businesses has limited opportunities for entrepreneurs to get a foothold in the community.
That’s why a sign that went up on Main Street a few weeks ago has caused a stir. It advertises a strip mall that will have room for five businesses and that it will be open for business this summer.
Frank Sillitti is developing the mall. He said the foundation will be poured in a week or two as the final architectural details of the building are finalized.
“The building is already on order,” Sillitti said. “It will be a steel building. It will take another week to finish the design and production will begin next week. It will take six to seven weeks, so we are hoping to be ready by the end of July.”
Sillitti said he spent most of last year trying to find another piece of property where he could build the mall. A strong possibility fell through at the last minute so he decided to build the mall on property he already owned on Main Street. He was hoping to start construction last fall, but ran out of time before winter set in.

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