June 28, 2018

Relays provide racing excitement

By Jerry W. Kram
The pounding hooves shook the ground at the Healing Horse Ranch near Parshall as the Northeast Segment sponsored Indian Relay Racing at the track that was built at the ranch last year.
More than 20 teams from across the northern plains traveled to Parshall to participate in the races on Thursday and Friday. Indian Relay Races consist of three laps ridden bareback. The rider must switch to a new horse between each lap. Along with the Relays, a number of other races were held for male and female youth riders and older riders as well.
The River Road team from Crow Agency with Darren Charges Strong was the winning team. The teams rode qualifying races on Thursday and were grouped by time for Friday’s finals. The Gold Finals was a close race with the top three teams finishing within less than a length of each other. River Road took advantage of Charges Strong’s athleticism on the changes to hold off strong challenges by S/M Express and Starr School teams.
Each team has two holders that control the horses so the riders can change in the least amount of time. Good teams can do an exchange in two seconds or less. Jordan White Man, with the Rides a Pretty Horse team from Billings, Mont., said time stands still during the event.

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