February 16, 2017

Program gets veterans to needed medical care

By Edna Sailor
Transportation for medical needs is still an issue for some veterans who live in North Dakota. That concern was front and center at the American Legion 2017 Conference in Bismarck recently. Travel for veterans from rural areas to get healthcare is inconvenient and costly to them. Without additional resources medical care for veterans would suffer.
To help provide relief to the situation a Veterans Administration grant has been available for the past several years. Those funds deliver much needed resources to solve transportation issues in rural areas. American Legion 2017 Conference attendees want to ensure that information about medical transportation services reaches rural areas. This effort will be accomplished by keeping a steady flow of information available to veterans and the public.
The Highly Rural Transportation Grant is that crucial funding support for veterans of rural North Dakota. The Veterans Administration funds provide veterans transportation from rural areas to medical appointments through local programs. While the service has been available since 2015, some veterans and their families may still be unaware of the benefit or may have questions about how to participate.

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