August 5, 2015

PRCA draws a crowd at New Town Rodeo

By Jerry W. Kram

The sun blazed down on the New Town Rodeo Grounds on Saturday but a nice breeze kept people in the newly renovated grandstand comfortable as they watched professional cowboys ride bucking broncos and bulls, rope calves and wrestle steers at the Annual Adrian Foote Sr. Rodeo.

Blaine and Tony Foote first organized the rodeo as a memorial to their father, Adrian. Now that their mourning period is over, they have changed the name from a memorial rodeo to an annual rodeo so it will continue long into the future.

"We do it for our dad," Blaine said. "If you knew our dad, you would know why we do it. That’s how we approach rodeo. We grew up with it, riding Shetlands (ponies) when we were just little guys. Then the old man started buying horses, about 30 head. Then the next thing you know we wound up with about 200 head of bucking horses."

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