September 5, 2013

Powwow welcomes teachers and students

Powwow welcomes teachers and students
By Jerry W. Kram

The drums are silent. The bleachers are empty. The grounds have been swept clean. Summer is fading and so to the powwow season is coming to an end on the Fort Berthold Reservation. The season’s last hurrah was the MHA Nation Education Department’s Second Annual Back to School Powwow at the Little Shell Powwow Grounds, which gave a welcome to both students and teachers and marked a kickoff for the academic year.
“One of goals in our department is to promote culture,” said Damon Brady, director of the education department. “That’s what we are trying to do today. We are also recognizing the accomplishments of our students. At the same time we want to thank the staff, parents, administrators and school boards for all that they do as we start a new school year.”
Part of the recognition was a reading by announcers Charlie Moran and Lawrence Baker of all the students who made the honor roll or had perfect attendance in the reservation schools during the last school year. Brady said this is an important part of the celebration because too often academic achievement doesn’t receive the recognition it due in the community.

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