March 10, 2016

Post office seeks community involvement


By Jerry W. Kram

The United States Postal Service is looking for a few good men and women.

In February, the New Town Post Office held its first meeting of a new board called a Consumer Advisory Council, or CAC. According to Marie Schaaf, Customer Relations Coordinator for the Post Office out of Bismarck, the CAC is an organization that will make the Postal Service more active in the community.

Schaaf said the council is open to basically anyone in the community who receives mail. While information distributed at the meeting held at the New Town Civic Center included "postal process improvements" as one of its objectives, Schaaf said the meetings are not going to be a forum for complaints about local service.

"We want to keep things positive," Schaaf said. "The CAC is more about community involvement."

The purpose of the council, according to Schaaf, is to create events that will make the Post Office better integrated in the community. Things the council would organize could include informational events to inform the public on how the postal service works and how they can find help when they need it. CACs also are involved in reviewing new stamp designs and planning activities around those that may have local interest.

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