January 4, 2018

Police Department gets ready for big move

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town Police Department is close to moving into its new, permanent home.
Chief Tyler Rintamaki updated the New Town City Council on the progress of remodeling the interior of the New Town City Hall to make it suitable to house the department. The final installation of new locks and other details are all that remain before Rintamaki and his five officers relocate.
When the City of New Town reestablished the police department in 2012, it was housed in an older manufactured building east of the Civic Center. That building deteriorated over the next few winters and the force relocated to the old Vocational Education building. The city rented the building from the New Town School District for a year while it waited for the space in City Hall to be vacated.
The Three Affiliated Tribes Law Enforcement occupied the space in City Hall for many years. With the completion of the Tribal Justice Center this spring, TAT Law Enforcement moved to the new building last fall. Since then, the space has been undergoing renovations to get ready to house the city police force.

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