June 6, 2019

Planting’s done, bring on the rain

By Edna Sailor
One thing we all know is that when it is time to get the seed into the ground, farmers waste no time getting it done. This spring, area farmers have done just that again.
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service has issued the North Dakota Crops Progress report, for the end of May. In every category, only a week ago, the reporting service found most crops to be behind planting percentages compared to last year at this time.
Given that local farmers evaluated their planting percentages only a few days after that report surfaced, Local farmers made up the percentages in a matter of days.
Kipton Erickson, Scale and Feed Manager at Plaza-Makoti Equity Elevator thinks the planting picture has improved greatly just in a few days and less than 10 percent of farmers’ fields remain unplanted across various crops.

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