November 15, 2012

Phelan and Hall lay out priorities

Phelan and Hall lay out priorities
By Jerry W. Kram

Lewis Ken Hall and Randy Phelan were the winners in last Tuesday’s Three Affiliated Tribes election for seats on the Tribal Business Council. Hall will represent the North Segment, which includes New Town while Phelan will represent Mandaree.
Both men come into their positions with experiencen in the tribal government. Hall was the head of the MHA Nation Energy Division and Phelan was director of MHA Tourism and was on the tribal council from 2000 to 2004. Each man laid out what their short term priorities are.
“First and foremost is to try and create unity with the rest of the council so we can work together for the benefit of the Three Affiliated Tribes,” Hall said. “It’s all about the people. We can’t lose sight of that. This is a great opportunity for not only the MHA nation but the state of North Dakota to really build and create a lot of infrastructure that can be sustainable for generations.”

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