June 4, 2015

Phase 1 moves ahead

By Jerry W. Kram

Marschuetz Construction is preparing to start the final part of the underground work for phase one of the Main Street reconstruction project.

Project Superintendent Roger Watson said the underground work of replacing sewer and water mains is the part of the entire project that will take the longest. Work on the deep water and sewer mains is close to finished so work will begin this week on the shallower storm sewer system. Once the storm sewers are finished, possibly as soon as 10 days, Marschuetz can start removing the streets and sidewalks in preparation for replacing them.

Vehicle access to businesses on that end of the street will be maintained until the beginning of the surface reconstruction. Most businesses will still be accessible to pedestrian traffic and will have alternative entrances in the rear.

The underground work only affects the first three blocks of the project, from the intersection of Main and Highway 1804 to Park Place. The remaining six blocks downtown will only require removing and replacing the streets and sidewalks and should proceed much more quickly, Watson said.

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