June 5, 2009

Parshall dairy farm under new ownership

Parshall dairy farm under new ownership
BHG News Service
“It’s kind of a big deal,” Gary Hoffman said. As executive director of the North Dakota Dairy Coalition, Hoffman made little attempt to hide his excitement – the Parshall dairy has new owners.
This past weekend, Orlin and Shirley Pelton arrived from Kemptsvill, Ontario to begin operation of the local dairy farm.
Even though Hoffman was excited about the Pelton’s decision to bring their operation to Parshall, he seemed equally excited about another addition to the community – the couple’s daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren. Hoffman noted that small communities benefit greatly when they attract families with children. He said, “We’re happy to see them move to North Dakota.”
Hoffman said it often takes two-three years to find new dairy operators. In part, the difficulty is economic. He added, “The dairy industry as a whole is really hurting due to low milk prices.”

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