January 24, 2019

Opening the Gateway to Science

Opening the Gateway to Science

By Edna Sailor
The New Town School gym was a flurry of science activity as students kicked off the Gateway to Science Project. Eager and hard working students focused on some aspect of their favorite science topics.
Science challenges have been held before at the school, but this one was just a bit different. Students from the high school AP Biology class mentored junior high students in their science project efforts.
They gathered in pairs in the gymnasium with a total of fourteen projects.
One popular project focused on body balance. Carly Froshaug, 17, is a junior at the high school who paired with and mentored Dominic Marshall, 14, an eighth grader at the middle school. The two clearly enjoyed their subject matter as well as the learning challenges in front of them. Their project involved the study of human balance and how humans maintain it. Displays included information about the role of the human ear in balance.

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