July 16, 2010

Officials brief city on Elbowoods

Officials brief city on Elbowoods
TAT animal control contract ratified

Construction progress of the Elbowoods Healthcare facility took center stage Tuesday afternoon during a special New Town City Council meeting.
Project manager Jim Foote, Corps of Engineers project director Mike Treacher and North Segment Rep. Scott Eagle all briefed the city council on what has been going on over the hill from Fort Berthold Community College and gave updates on what will happen on a timeline leading up to the facility’s opening in August 2011.
“This is only the first phase,” Foote said. “There’s room on the east and west sides for expansion.”
Foote, who has been there since the beginning of the project, introduced Treacher who briefed the council on what he has been seeing day to day.
He said College Drive is now up to grade all the way down to the construction site of Elbowoods. He said rip rap has been placed along the road to help control runoff during a heavy rain as well as standing water.
Treacher said the upgrade of the street includes a new sidewalk that demonstrates the workmanship of Marion Construction, the general contractor on this project from Dunseith.
Treacher said there will be a helicopter landing zone that will be a grass pad rather than concrete. That allowed the Marion staff to create a longer and wider sidewalk to accommodate more people.

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