June 16, 2016

Northrop Grumman Celebrates 45 years in New Town

By Jerry W. Kram

Employees of Northrop Grumman Corporation celebrated 45 years of manufacturing excellence in New Town and the site’s earning of Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Star status from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The were joined by North Dakota Lt. Governor Drew Wrigley, representatives from the offices of U.S Senator Hoeven, U.S. Senator Heitkamp and Congressman Cramer, civic leaders and special guests.

The New Town facility opened in late 1970 as the North Dakota Manufacturing Plant, a Northrop Grumman subsidiary. Today, the site is part of Northrop Grumman’s Aerospace Systems sector and currently produces low-cost, high-quality cables and harnesses for a wide range of systems. The site is also part of Northrop Grumman’s growing presence in North Dakota.

In addition to celebrating 45 years in New Town, the ceremony included a presentation by OSHA, with the agency officially recognizing Northrop Grumman’s New Town facility with VPP Star status, the agency’s highest workplace safety distinction.

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