April 20, 2017

North Segment Alliance gets organized

By Jerry W. Kram
Things are changing in the North Segment of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and Tribal Businsess Council representative Dr. Monica Mayer thinks they are changing for the better.
Mayer conducted the swearing in ceremony for Delvin Driver, Jr., Darian Morsette, and Jim Baker, Sr., as the first elected members of the North Segment Alliance. The Alliance is the new board that will combine the functions of the North Segment Community Board and North Segment Community Development Corporation.
“The North Segment Alliance has a new charter and new bylaws,” Mayer said. “We merged the two separate entities that were not collaborating. What I wanted was a true democracy.”
The Community Board and CDC were dissolved by the TBC resolution that then established the Alliance, Mayer said. The Alliance will take on the responsibilities of the two groups and, in the words of its charter, “provide long term social, environmental, and economic benefits to tribal members by enhancing the North Segment’s business undertakings and prospects.” Other responsibilities of the Alliance include developing and managing housing, enhancing economic self sufficiency and to “serve the social, economic, educational and health needs of the North Segment.”

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