July 9, 2010

North Central Research announces field day

North Central Research announces field day
New crop varieties and production issues will be among the topics at the North Dakota State University North Central Research Extension Center’s annual field day near Minot on July 21.
NDSU plant breeders will eport on the status of their programs and provide an update on new varieties. NDSU Extension Service specialists will discuss issues such as weed science, corn production, small-grain disease management, and
insect management in small-grain and broadleaf crops.
The field day will begin at 8:45 a.m. with coffee and rolls, followed by a welcome from Jay Fisher, center director, and a pest clinic.
The pest clinic, which runs until 9:45, will give participants a chance to hone their weed, disease and insect identification skills. NDSU faculty and Extension specialists will be available to answer questions and offer research-based
information on crop pest management.

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