August 30, 2018

NHS College sees growth in a new year

By Jerry W. Kram
There are new faces and some old faces in new roles as a new academic year begins at Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College in New Town.
College President Twyla Demaray-Baker welcomed staff and students at a barbecue lunch that had to be moved indoors because of some unexpected cold and rainy weather. She said that NHSC was excited to have new staff members and other staff taking on new responsibilities for the 2018-19 school year.
“We have a lot of shifts in administration with people taking on different roles and leadership,” Baker said. “We have a lot of new faces on our faculty. We want to make sure we have that good energy going into a new year. Summer is fantastic, but it seems like summer has been just go-go-go. Now we are back and settling into a routine and people are back on campus. It’s very lively.”
With the new infusion of talent and with the college secure with its accreditation for the next 10 years, Baker thinks NHSC will provide an even higher quality education for its students in the years to come.
“It looks like it will be a good year,” Baker said. “We have a strong administrative team. We’ve got great faculty coming back and new faculty stepping in. We reformed our relationship with the local school district to help serve both institutions’ needs.”
Baker said she is excited to be partnering with area schools to offer dual credit classes that will give high school students a head start on the road to a college degree.

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