August 23, 2018

New Town welcomes new teachers

By Jerry W. Kram
Karen Joyce L. Faburada
I am a pure-blooded Filipino. I grew up in a small town called Talamban. It is the hometown of my mother’s side of the family. We are like a one big happy family since we almost knew all the people residing in Talamban.
When I was in my elementary years, I went to Banilad Elementary School. It is a public school near our place. I studied at San Isidro Parish School during my high school years. It is an old Catholic institution (my mother, aunties, and uncles graduated from this school as well).
When I was definite with my plan to become a teacher, I enrolled to a normal school, CETU Normal University. After graduation, I immediately went to work. I have been an instructional assistant for a year and an upper elementary teacher for five years in Crow Children of Hope School. I have taught English to narrative English speakers for five months. And finally, I have taught high school for two years
I will teach mathematics in the elementary school. For this year, I would like to see my students love and appreciate Mathematics. Through loving and appreciating the subject, students are more willing to understand the concept and whenever they experience difficulties, they won’t give up easily.

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